Инновации в образовании
Электронный научный журнал

Педагогические науки
Introduction to stochastic modeling of machines, aggregates and processes: educational-metodical manual
Yu.V.Rodionov 2, A.D.Nakhman 1

1. Tambov State Technical University
2. Tambov State Technical University


Initial training in the field of stochastic modeling (Including modeling of machines, aggregates and processes) assumes the familiarization of students with the basic concepts and facts of combinatorics, probability theory and mathematical statistics, as well as typical problems for calculating probabilities and analyzing of distributions of random variables. The material is formed in the form of a case containing a glossary, training and control modules. The theoretical block contains the basic concepts and statements with full justifications, as well as models for solving of typical problems. The control module includes theoretical exercises, tasks for self-training and final tests with answers. The material is addressed to students of engineering and economic areas of training.

Keywords: stochastic modeling, mathematical statistics, рrobability theory

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